My very sad vagina!

Because of this cunt

Because of this cunt

Because of this cunt

I was bullied by this man
Because of this cunt

Punching my face

Kicking my chest

I cannot count how many times he twisted my arm

Non-stop hospital visits

Eye clinics, orthopedics, all the way to the abortion clinic

Scars everywhere, visible and invisible

On my body, in my heart, in my mind

Before he did it, he actually did it (to me)

He punched the wall



Smashed my phone against the wall

Ripped my laptop from my hands and threw it

Then, apologizing



promising it won’t happen again

explaining losing his temper

apologizing and promising it won’t happen again

and then beating me again.

Apologies on one hand,

Beating and cursing in the other hand.

This bastard slapped me for refusing sex

the whites of my eyes bloodshot

there were all red

it looked so scary, freaking scary

I felt so small

How dare I leave the house?

How can I answer people’s questions?

What else can I answer

Brave me, who dares to stand up for myself

I know what I want, I have all the ability to achieve what I want

I am a smart woman

But when I experience this, I am no longer the smart one

If you don’t want to be tortured, just leave!

Just leave

Why is it so hard?

I did not get the help I needed

Being told to just leave wasn’t enough for me

This happened last February, when we were all protesting in the streets

He beat me

There was so much news to follow

Because my eyes were swollen shut, he read the news to me

While people were beating pots and pans at 8 pm,

“ding ding dong dong”

I was drying my wet hair in front of the full-length mirror

He smashed my mirror with the pots and pans he was beating

and beat me with my hair dryer

The scars are still there

When I drink a beer, have few sips of alcohol, the scars reappear

Half of my face was bruised purple

It took a month to recover

Because of this cunt

Because of this cunt

It’s because of this cunt

Another time it was about abortion

Three days after the abortion, he kicked me in the stomach

and I had to run

I had to run from home

I carried this cunt away and ran

“I’m not scared to kill you, bitch!

I will dare to kill you, I am not afraid to kill myself either

I’ll kill you and get rid of your body, bitch!”

I heard this very often

Very, very often

Because of this cunt

Because of this cunt

It’s because of this cunt

I carried this cunt away and ran again, and again.

He slipped threats under my door

I fled to Shan State

One day, on a friend’s Birthday

everybody was drinking and having good food

we talked a lot, and had fun

We were drunk

I was drunk too

I went home after saying good-bye

All I remember was I went home drunk and tired

I don’t know how that animal found me

He came there while I was sleeping

took off my clothes

removed my red lipstick

put his head between my thighs and licked my cunt

I woke up

I was really angry

I wanted to kill him

I kicked him off

grabbed his hair and rubbed his face on the floor

It’s because of you, because of you

I swear, to him

to me, to this cunt

I swear

I swear

I swear

I shout

I shout

I shout

That’s all I was doing

I was tired from crying

In the end, I think again there was nothing to do with this cunt

I blamed myself

I blamed my cunt

Without this cunt, I wouldn’t have to be tortured

I yelled at my cunt, I beat it

I cried

I wanted to die and I hated my cunt the most

That man’s abuse had nothing to do with my little cunt, I’m sorry

I apologised to my little cunt

I apologise, my little cunt

It’s not her fault

She has nothing to do with this

I’m sorry I couldn’t protect her

I apologised

I apologised

I apologised

I apologised

I apologised

I cried

I apologized

These two years were hell

It was so difficult

And then I talked to her

I’m sorry for blaming my innocent cunt

Please stop crying

After all, doesn’t she deserve love?

The commonly held belief in some societies that it is ok for a man to beat a woman is entirely wrong. Domestic violence can be characterized as abuse amongst family members or in any relationship. It can occur between or among fathers, mothers, grandparents, uncles, aunties, siblings, cousins, other relatives, or married couples, housemates, or dating couples. Domestic violence includes but is not limited to: physical abuse, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, threats, religious persecution, pressure to have sex without consent, and pressure to have a pregnancy without consent. Domestic abuse can include sex without consent. Sex cannot be performed without both partners' consent. In all cases, including for couples, consent is essential. Sex without consent is rape. Domestic violence can take many forms so as a result, victims of abuse may not even be aware that they are being abused. Anyone of any race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender can be a victim of domestic violence. The majority of domestic violence victims, according to existing research, are women. It's critical not to make the victim blame herself or her womanhood (if the victim is a woman). Victims should not feel pressured to remain silent and tolerant. Violence is violence, and there are no justifications for it. Domestic violence can be perpetrated by people of any gender. Domestic violence victims face numerous obstacles in speaking out for a variety of reasons. If you know someone who has been a victim of domestic violence, please provide a safe space for them and urge them to speak up. We must listen to them with respect and without passing judgment. Instead of responding "Why don't you just leave?" or "Why are you tolerating this?" We could ask about the victims' challenges and provide physical and mental assistance. Finally, no one deserves to be mentally or physically tortured or abused for whatever reason.